The Upcoming Realogy FWD Innovation Summit — Advice for Participants, an Overview, and the Upcoming Live Blog

Realogy is holding its second FWD Innovation Summit the coming Tuesday. It’s a really cool event.  Fifteen technology companies make a pitch before a live audience, and answer questions from a panel of judges.  Then, the judges pick finalists, who are then presented to the audience, which votes on the winner of the $25,000 grand prize.

Last year’s event was spectacular, introducing me to some great companies, including (but not limited to) Floored (which won the grand prize), HomeZada, BuyerMLS, Updater, Lumentus Social, Onvedeo, and a host of others.

This year’s event is also shaping up to be a terrific demonstration of some really interesting technology companies that are invigorating the real estate space.  Congratulations to Alex Perriello, who had the vision to see the potential of bringing these cutting-edge companies to an industry audience, and to everyone involved in putting it together.

I’m really excited about it. I was one of the judges last year, and from that experience wrote up some advice for this year’s contestant, which was published today at Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate’s Clean Slate Blog.  And I’m also working on an overview of all the participants, which we’ll be publishing here on Monday and could be useful to anyone who is interested in finding out more about some really cool technology startups in real estate.  So check check back here on Monday for that.

Finally, I’ve volunteered to write a live-blog of the event on Tuesday, providing a running commentary on each presentation.  It should be a lot of fun.  We’ll be doing that here, so again, check back.

Again, my thanks to everyone at Realogy for allowing me to do this and to Sherry Chris and her team for publishing my advice piece on Clean Slate.