November 30th is a HARD Deadline — Be Prepared

It has occurred to us that we should send out a general alert to all of you to start preparing for November 30th.

What’s November 30th? It’s the last day that first-time home buyers can close to take advantage of the federal tax credit. It’s going to be a massive closing day. It’s also, unfortunately, the Monday after Thanksgiving, which means that it’s going to ruin a lot of holidays.

I expect that the month of November is going to be a huge closing month, but it’s going to be stressful.
This is a good chance for us to kick it up a notch, to bring some WOW and deliver that kind of great service people should expect from us.

We need to be absolutely positively sure that every one of our first-time home buyers can close by November 30th. People who don’t start preparing now are going to end up in situations where their buyers literally cannot get an attorney who can close them on time. Or their buyers are going to look up on November 20th and have to pull together last-minute documentation during the holidays.

We have told our colleagues at Hudson Abstract and Rand Mortgage to be prepared for the deluge, and to be on top of every deal that might be a first-time home-buyer purchase to make sure that we are ready to close.

You should do the same thing. Look at your pipeline. If you have buyers you think (or you know) are going to claim the credit, contact them now and alert them to the situation. Talk to your attorneys and mortgage people and title people to make sure they’re aware that you have a HARD deadline.

If you want to send them something that explains the situation, send them our blog post about the issue on the Market Intelligence blog.

Be on top of it. Be the World’s Best Real Estate Agent.

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